The High Coast meets the Mediterranean's flavor at Docksta Havet Base Camp.

The High Coast of Sweden meets the Mediterranean flavor. All about the event that have been held at Docksta Havet Base Camp with Apuliens Smak.

Apuliens aperitivo provsmakning at Docksta Havet Base Camp

Docksta Havet and Apuliens Smak invited the Sailors cruising the High Coast in discovering new products and tastes of the Puglia region by listening to stories, learn new recipes and tips on how to use them in a fast and simple way onboard or at home.

“Aperitivi & Appetizers How To" from the galley at Docksta Havet Base Camp: sailors cruising the High Coast and our guests are invited to a series of tasting events in discovering the beautiful Italian region of Puglia and its excellent specialities.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, olives, taralli, frisellini, orecchiette pasta, bruschette and lampascioni... are typical Pugliese specialities: the best of millenary culture of Mediterranean and Italian food between the land and sea of the High Coast.


Here below you can "have a taste" of the event that was held in the Docks :)

(Click over the image to flip the pages fullscreen)

Apuliens aperitivo, Meet Med event at Docksta Havet Base Camp

"Dalla Puglia alla Svezia con amore"

The unforgettable experience of Apuliens Aperitivo Provsmakning has been led by Roberto Carvutto, founder and owner of Apuliens Smak AB. He also shared with us the path in which took him to select these Pugliese specialities by letting us experience the heart of his experiences related to food and people of this land. One of the most enriched in history and way point for people and cultures to meet.

"My name is Roberto Carvutto, I'm Italian and I live in Örnsköldsvik in northern Sweden.

Apulia is the region of southern Italy where I was born and grew up, my hometown is Gioia del Colle.

Food is a central aspect of life in Apulia. The soil is fertile and olive trees, tomatoes, oranges, figs and mushroom grow here. Local specialities include focaccia, orecchiette and taralli. Add frutti di mare, mozzarella, vino primitivo, extra virgin olive oil and fresh vegetables - and lunch is served!

For centuries stories have been told in the region, with focus on the land and its products, the work, the sun, the sea, the colors and scents of the South. Like every corner of Italy, Apulia is full of art, culture and tradition handed down from generation to generation, especially around the food.

Starting from the plots of these age-old stories, Apuliens Smak aims to bring the best of my region to your home: we offer high quality products from small companies devoted to the care of the details, and we give you a quality and uniqueness that large retailers cannot provide.

The companies selected by Apuliens Smak are the result of a long and laborious research. In every product you will find the smells and flavors of Apulia, and the passion of those who committed their whole lives to the enhancement of this land.

Through Apuliens Smak I want to share the flavours of my beloved Apulia with you, your family and your friends.

Buon appetito!"


Roberto Carvutto

"Jag som driver Apuliens Smak heter Roberto Carvutto och kommer ursprungligen från Gioia del Colle i Apulien, södra Italien. År 2011 tog jag och min svenska fru ett nytt, spännande steg då vi flyttade till Sverige och Örnsköldsvik.

I Apulien, precis som i övriga Italien, har maten en central plats. Marken är bördig och här växer allt från oliver och tomater till apelsiner, fikon och svamp. Focaccia, orecchiette och taralli är några av specialitéerna. Lägg därtill skaldjur, mozzarella, primitivo-vin, olivolja och färska grönsaker - och lunchen är serverad. 

Apuliens Smak logo

Apulien är fullt av konst, kultur och traditioner som går från generation till generation, särskilt med fokus på matkultur.
Apuliens Smak tar avstamp i dessa uråldriga berättelser för att föra det bästa av min hembygd till ditt bord: vi erbjuder högkvalitativa produkter från små leverantörer med känsla för detaljer och du får en kvalité och unikhet som större leverantörer inte kan ge. 

Vi har valt våra leverantörer genom omfattande arbete på plats i Apulien. Du kan känna doften och smaken av Apulien i alla våra produkter, liksom passionen för matkultur från de som har brukat sin jord i generationer.

Genom Apuliens Smak vill jag låta dig ta del av de fantastiska smaker som mina hemtrakter erbjuder.

Buon Appetito!"
